Sunday, 10 January 2016
LipsNspritz of the week 10 January 2016
I fell in love this week, and I never expected to! It started on Monday with a brief squirt of Estee Lauder Youth Dew, and it continued later in the week and it ended up with my buying a bottle (or two!) of the matching bath oil, which is divine, by the way, and every home should have a (tiny) bottle. Youth Dew opens surprisingly bright with bergamot, and is fresher than I remember it, then once the top notes wear off, it is deep and rich with almost-medicinal balsams and resins. It's not a fragrance for you if you prefer "clean" scents, but it's a grown-up, sophisticated and no-nonsense kind of a fragrance. I love it very much.
On Tuesday (top row, middle), I wore Carven Le Parfum, which, after the confident brass balls of Youth Dew, seems a tiny, ladylike whisper of white flowers and office-appropriateness. It's incredbly light and sheer and pretty, and as I generally prefer a bit of attitude with my fragrance, it's not something I'll wear too often in all honesty. But if you like clean and pretty and light, it's very lovable indeed.
Wednesday (top right) saw me in Estee Lauder Sensuous Nude, which is another light and office appropriate fragrance, and one which I don't wear too often as a result. It's a little more interesting (to me) than the Carven, because this really does smell like warm, clean, freshly showered skin, and I like it, but it doesn't feel very "me".
Thursday saw me right back in my comfort zone, with Voyage d'Hermes by Hermes, in the parfum concentration. A spiced (cardamom and juniper) rose over a bed of amber, this is surprisingly sexy for a diaphanous Jean Claude Ellena concoction, and is one of my all-time favourite fragrances of all time. It's one both myself and my husband wear (when I'm not hiding it from him that is), and we both love. Completely backup-worthy, this one.
Friday, I wore a vintage bottle of Nu by Yves Saint Laurent. The first fragrance released by Tom Ford for YSL, Nu is a symphony of black pepper and incense, and was a) the first time I'd ever heard of Tom Ford, and b) realised that perfume didn't have to smell of just fruit and flowers. Nu is spicy, peppery, and at the time that I bought it (around 2001) didn't smell like anything else on the market. It was truly and original, and the fact that around approximately 60% of all new "niche" perfumes try to rip it off just goes to show how influential it was. Another one of my favourites.
On Saturday I actually left the house and went for dinner with my husband (I never leave the house on Saturdays if I can possibly help it!) and to celebrate, I went with Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds. Because: Elizabeth Taylor, White Diamonds. All powder and aldehydes, White Diamond is a true 80's classic, as long as you don't mind smelling like an exploded makeup bag. Which, of course, I don't.
Lipsticks this week included (Mon-Sat) Max Factor lipgloss in Polished Fuchsia, Guerlain Kiss Kiss in Very Cherry, Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy in Rebellious Rose, Dior Addict Extreme in Paparazzi, Nars Satin Lip Pencil in Grand Palais, and (not pictured, but please see Monday's post this week), Max Factor Marilyn Monroe Collection No1 Red Ruby. Pictured bottom left is actually Bare Minerals Moxie lip colour in Live Large, which is excellent.
So, what've you been wearing?
The Fine Print: PR Sample
This post: LipsNspritz of the week 10 January 2016 originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Sunday, 6 December 2015
LipsNspritz of the Week 06.12.15
After spending last weekend doused in Tom Ford's finest Black Orchid (albeit in the new Eau de Toilette version rather than the EdP), I was obviously stuck in a rather Tom Ford kind of groove for the early part of this week.
Monday brought Tom Ford Black Violet, a scent which I have always preferred to Black Orchid, for some reason (but it's now discontinued), a gloriously rich and decadent fragrance, one which reminds me of the glory days of women's cinema in the forties. It's a fragrance with shoulder pads and red lipstick, which I subverted by not wearing shoulder pads, and wearing with MAC Hot Tahiti, which is a slightly browned wine-shade, which reads like a neutral on my lips. I did wear black leather though ...
Tuesday was Tom Ford Tuscan Leather, long one of my favourite fragrances. I was surprised on wearing it this time, however (the first since I lost my sense of smell last year) that I can now pick up the raspberry notes that, in other writers descriptions, have always mystified me somewhat. A nice discovery! It still smells leathery to me - which I love - but now it has an extra dimension that I never noticed previously, a great thing. I wore it with Bare Minerals Call The Shots which is a great red lipstick.
Wednesday brought a neglected gem from my perfume collection, which was Maison Francis Kurkdjian Amyris Femme. This had been shuffled to the back of one of my drawers, and I confess that I'd completely forgotten about it as a result. I'm completely kicking myself about that now, as it is incredibly beautiful. I described it on Instagram as luminous and sheer, bright with citrus in the opening, and warm with woods and resins in the base. Classy and expensive-smelling, it's radiant and gorgeous, and I can't wait, actually, to wear it again. So I'm wearing it again today as I write this ... I paired it with Laura Mercier Cherries Jubilee Lip Parfait, which is a sheer natural red, which I like a great deal too.
I spent some of Thursday talking to various government bods (like you do) so I thought I'd wear something classic. Naturally, when I opened the box, I was a bit hacked off that my bottle of Chanel No 5 was actually a bottle of Chanel No5 Eau Premiere. Not the end of the world, admittedly, but annoying, especially when it turns out that Eau Premiere is just a little too restrained for my damaged nose to pick up in any detail. It's very nice, I'm sure, but it's no No5. Now I'm wondering where my bottle of No5 has got to, I know I have one! I wore it with Revlon ColorStay Moisture Stain in India Intrigue, which is one of my favourite pinks, as it lasts and lasts. It does dry a bit though.
On Friday, I was planning to meet some friends for dinner, so an old favourite fragrance was in order, and I picked Guerlain Pamplune Aqua Allegorica. Grapefruit scents have been tricky for me for a while, thanks to their sulphurous qualities (I struggle with vetiver as well for the same reason), but I think it's coming back now. Either way, Pamplune smelled good, well as good as a sweaty grapefruit (and I mean that in a good way) can, let's put it like that. I wore it with Smashbox Lip Lacquer in Legendary Red, which is a smashing red - I'm ashamed it's taken me so long to wear it.
Saturday I was ill, again, I'm totally fed up with it now, but it's becoming a way of life at the moment, it appears. Anyhoo, I still wanted to smell good, so I picked up my bottle of Balmain Ivoire, which is soapy-fabulous (even though rather thin in comparison to its 80's-tastic fabulousness before reformulations and re-releases happened to it) and classy and very, very clean. Still lovely. I had been planning to wear it with a revlon lipstain, but as I spent the day in my pyjamas, that didn't actually happen ...
What've you been wearing?
The Fine Print: PR Samples and purchases, all combined.
This post: LipsNspritz of the Week 06.12.15 originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Monday, 13 October 2014
Lipsticks of the (last) Week
Autumn is really kicking in now (anyone else put their central heating on? No? Just me then?), so my lipsticks have taken a turn for the deeper and darker again ...
Here we have (l-r):
Vincent Longo's Americana,
Guerlain KissKiss in Cherry Pink,
Bare Minerals Lead The Way,
Revlon Colourstay Opulent Garnet
Revlon Colourstay Divin Port Wine
OCC Matte Lip Tars in NSFW & Strumpet
and Clinique's Superbalm in Black Honey
Here's how they swatch:
Lovely, lovely saturated colours. Americana is a tomato red, cherry pink is a glorious soft purple with a hint of gold shimmer, Lead the Way is a deep fuchsia with purple overtones. Opulent Garnet is precisely what is says on the label, and Divine Port Wine is a rich deep wine shade. I do find both of these quite drying in wear though, so load up on lipbalm if you need it. I mix NSFW 50:50 with Strumpet for a deep and longlasting pinked red that's my favourite colour of the moment, and Black Honey is an unusual sheer purple-taupe that just adds a hint of depth to my natural lip colour.
Here's how the individual OCC colours swatch. Strumpet is a cool fuchsia, and NSFW is a bright, bright fire engine red. Individually, I find both of them a little difficult to wear, but mixed together makes a gorgeous neutral, totally opaque red with just a slight hint of pink, which is easier for me to wear (I keep an old lipbalm tin around so I can carry some ready-mixed around with me for touchups during the day):

What's been your fancy this week?
This post: Lipsticks of the (last) Week originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Lipsticks of the Week
Boots No7 Soft Ruby
Lipstick Queen Saint in Wine
Laura Mercier in Healthy Lips
Bare Minerals Moxie in Live Large
Lipstick Queen Sinner Wine
And By Terry Baume de Rose in Fig
Here's how they swatch on skin. These are some of my all-time favourite lipstick colours - what have you been wearing recently?
The Fine Print: Mixture of PR samples and purchases.
This post: Lipsticks of the Week originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Bare Mineral Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Hypnotic
Lipgloss isn't something I associate with Bare Minerals very much. Lipstick, yes (their Marvelous Moxie range is very well, and aptly named), and of course, there is their iconic range of mineral foundations and powders, but ... lipgloss?
Look at it. LOOK AT IT! Oh, those prismatic pigments, this is so pretty!
And with flash, so you can see how the colour changes in different lights:
:sigh: so pretty. So very, very pretty.
Here's how it swatches in different lights:
Hmn ... lets try again from a different angle:
Okay, once more?
It's definitely more of a layering gloss, this one, I think. Here it is over Max Factor Lipfinity Just in Love from the other day:
Can you tell the difference from the original below?
So, Hypnotic it may be in the tube, it's rather ... subtle in the flesh. Lovely to look at, but simply not that exciting to wear, I'm afraid! It's a nice, non-sticky gloss, however, with a little hint of peppermint flavour, just a shame it's a bit underwhelming out of the tube. Some of the other BareMinerals colours are much, much better in the gloss formulation, I'll show you those soon.
Available from Debenhams costing £16.
This post: Bare Mineral Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Hypnotic originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Monday, 7 October 2013
Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie - Risk it All, Call the Shots, Live Large, Lead the Way
A little overdue, this review! I was sent this set of beautiful shades a few months ago, and they've been in regular rotation ever since.
From left to right here, we have: Risk it All, a cool bright pink, Call the Shots, which is a lovely tomato red, Live Large (my favourite), a plummy mauve, and Lead the Way, which is, quite frankly, purple. In use the lipsticks are soft (more about this later), creamy and opaque, and they're unscented too, which is a bonus.
As you can see, they're all pretty true to the shades in the bullet (Lead the Way aside, this is quite a bit lighter and brighter on the skin, which is a good thing!) once swatched, this is one pass over unprimed skin, and the effect is much the same on the lips. They're not super long-lasting, but you will get a good three or four hours wear out of the shades, if you can manage not to eat or drink for that period of time.
For my Sci/Art readers, here's how they look against the Dark Winter fan:
You can see from this picture that Live Large (at the top, against square 6.2) is a bit beaten up, this is because the formulation is a bit soft, and in use the bullet has shifted in the case. There's been a bit of a snapping situation, alas, which is a bummer, as this is a perfect "neutral" shade for my lips, and it's the shade I've worn the most as a result. Ah well.
The lipsticks are a little brighter than the fan, but I wear them anyway. The Moxie collection is fun and bright, and a joy to wear. Just try not to snap your favourite shades!
The Fine Print: PR Samples.
This post: Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie - Risk it All, Call the Shots, Live Large, Lead the Way originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Current Favourite Blushers
I didn't see the point of blusher for the longest time, and so, for many years I didn't use it. I've had high-colouring for many years, so the thought of adding MOAR COLORZ to my skin was a scary one, to say the least! These days, however, I'd rather leave the house without lipstick than without my blusher!
Blush brightens the face, and can add shade and contour to even the widest of faces (personally, I don't bother with all that contouring malarkey because, as has been extensively reported on this blog, I am a cack-handed muppet), but blusher does make such a difference, making my skin look alive, and helping me avoid looking like a trainee goth who forgot to attend the lesson on not dressing like an accountant.
After my recent colour analysis, I've found blush difficult, as the shades which are nearest matches to my fan do NOT look good on my skin - NARS Sin is consistently recommended as a good blush for someone with my colouring, but ... well, it's too dark and far, far, far too brown for me, so I challenged myself to find some more suitable blush shades.
Initially, I didn't think I had any, aside from one, but after digging deep into the recesses of my blusher drawer, I managed to scramble up seven or so ... (may you never know the horrors of saying "But I don't have any like that" only to discover you're lying to yourself about it ... anyhoo, here's my pick of my blusher collection:
Clockwise from top left we have:
Accessorize: Merged Baked Blush in Sensation
MAC: Blushbaby
Stila: Convertible Colour in Lillium
Laura Geller: Ethereal Rose/Sateen Subtle Berry
Benefit: Hervana
Burberry: Cameo
Bare Minerals: Ready Blush in The One
In the past couple of years, I've been pretty much inseparable from NewCID iGlow in Coral Crush, but I've been trying to use pinker shades recently, and, even though a couple of these have a touch of coral to them (in particular The One by Bare Minerals - bottom left in pic above), I think the pinker look is just a bit more "healthy" to my newly-educated eye.
Accessorize is very pink, and works well as a highlighter, also, it was very cheap!
MAC Blushbaby is an old, old favourite, but it's a little on the brown side, so needs applying with a light hand.
Stila Lillium is a great neutral shade of blush, and one I wear over tinted moisturiser. You can wear it on your lips too, but that's really not a good look for me.
The Laura Geller has been my day to day staple blush recently. A slightly berry pink, it has a gentle sheen, and is very pretty without making me look too flushed.
Benefit Hervana is a very pretty cool-toned matte pink. It's a little on the sheer side, but it's a good shade for just the lightest possible flush of colour.
Burberry Cameo is another subtle berry shade, which is on the matte side, it's a lot more pigmented than the Laura Geller, so again, needs a lighter hand (or a duo-fibre brush).
Bare Minerals is a heavily-pinked coral, and is a good easy to wear shade, even if it is a little bit warmer than the other shades in this selection. I LOVE the Bare Minerals "pressed" powder formulations, and need to pick a few more up.
So, what are your go-to blushers at the moment?
The Fine Print: Mainly purchases, ironically.
This post: Current Favourite Blushers originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Friday, 26 October 2012
OPI & Bare Minerals Collaboration
It's becoming more and more trendy to match your nails to your lipstick, or your lips to your nails (depending on preference), and Bare Minerals - queens of collaborations at the moment - and OPI have teamed up this winter to help you out.
These cute duos, consisting of a Pretty Amazing lip colour and a matching OPI polish apiece will be exclusively available from QVC next month, and will cost £20.50 each.
OPI Elephantastic Pink/Bare Minerals Moxie - A sugary, almost pastel pink
OPI Big Apple Red/Bare Minerals Strength - A classic blue red
OPI Barefoot in Barcelona/Bare Minerals Free Will - A medium nude-caramel
OPI I'm Indi-a Mood For Love/Bare Minerals Ambition - A cool medium pink
I've reviewed Bare Minerals Pretty Amazing lip colours before, they have a great opaque texture and don't dry your lips out, here's how they swatch:
These are a fantastic match for the nail polish shades, and I can vouch for the fact that they're a great formula. At £20.50 for the pair (which would normally cost £26 if you bought them separately), they're a good bargain too.
I've been wearing I'm Indi-a Mood For Love for nearly a week now:
Man, I need me a full manicure! |
What do you think, will you be indulging?
The Fine Print: PR samples, but I already own a bottle of India, so there. I paid cash money for it too.
This post: originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Friday, 6 July 2012
MAC Club Vs Bare Minerals Mirage
Club is one of those iconic products from MAC that most appear to have in their makeup bag. Described as a "red-brown with green pearl" it is, in fact, a beautiful, and versatile eyeshadow that deserves its cult status. When I was sent the new Bare Minerals eyeshadow duo in "The Vision", I thought one of the shades looked familiar, so I thought I'd do a comparison post.
Can you see what I saw? The Vision eyeshadow duo (on the right there), contains a pistachio shade ("Illusion), and, what Bare Minerals refer to as a "deep lagoon" colour "Mirage" on the right. I immediately thought that this was a dead ringer for MAC Club! Take a closer look:
Mirage's texture is a little more reflective than Club's, so it looks a little more washed out in these pictures, but next to each other you'd be hard-pressed to say there was any difference at all.
So, how do they swatch?
Swatches applied with finger, no primer - MAC has two layers, and Bare Minerals has one. Now, it must be said that many MAC shadows need a primer, but just look at the pigmentation of the Bare Minerals! And you can see the pearl straight away, too.
Here's another look:
Can't deny that the MAC has disappointing application. Club is one of their Satin finish eyeshadows, and mine is a couple of years old, so it may be that my pot has dried out a little, but I've often found that MAC shadows can be a little hard and underpowered in the pigmentation department over the last few years, I can't deny.
Mirage is from Bare Minerals' new "ready" range which features their famous loose mineral powders made solid - they're not "pressed", by all accounts, but they are a really lovely, soft, buttery texture with excellent pay off and wear. Just in case you want to see both shades in The Vision palette swatched, here they are:
Again, there is rich pigmentation, but I find the shade itself a little chalky, and, I have to admit, it's not a shade I'd ever wear in a million years, but it's definitely a high-quality shadow.
MAC single eyeshadows cost £12 for 1.5g, and the Bare Minerals duo is £19 for 3g, (which works out at £9.50 each)
The Fine Print: Purchases and PR samples all mixed up ...
This post originated at: All rights reserved.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Bare Minerals & Virgin: Upper Class Red Lip Colour
When you think of Virgin Atlantic, what's the first thing you think about? Well, I normally see red, to be honest, the livery of the planes, the uniform, the ... lipstick?
Well, with that in mind, Virgin Atlantic have teamed up with Bare Minerals to create their perfect red shade, matched to the uniforms worn by all Virgin Atlantic staff, designed to last through long-haul flights and not be drying. Initally it's available on Virgin Atlantic flights, and it's due to be released through Bare Minerals stores later this year. Oh, and it's actually now part of the VA uniform, so it's the only lipstick the staff can wear! Having worked for several years in the travel industry prior to becoming an accountant, there's actually nothing particularly new about this, lots of holiday companies dictate the shades of lipstick their staff can wear, but this is the first I've heard about a brand creating the shade in the first place ...
So, how does it measure up? This is a gorgeously pigmented red, that slips beautifully over the lips, and stays put for quite some time. However, it does fade, and it will give you the Red Ring Of Doom (the RROD - you'll see this acronym a fair bit over the next couple of weeks, btw) as it does.
The applicator is a wonderfully flexible springy thing of beauty, but I do find that the wider bits at the base can lead to a slightly smudged application if you're not careful with it.
I find that you must (no ifs, ands or buts) wipe off the excess lipstick back into the tube, because if you don't, you will end up with a lipstick/teeth-type situation that you won't appreciate, but if you apply lightly, in layers, then you'll have a lovely glossy finish that eventually dries down to a stain.
This is a lovely tomato-red, it's actually fairly blue-based, but it pulls a little orange on my cool-toned skin.
Overall, this is a good liquid lipstick, if you apply it carefully. I like the shade, don't love the applicator, and like how long it lasts (again, if you apply it carefully), but how does it measure up to other red liquid lipsticks? Well, I'll let you know that over the next two weeks, where I'll be comparing it to other iconic red liquid lipsticks (from Chanel, Beaute and Guerlain, for a start), and I'll keep you posted.
The Fine Print: PR sample. From Bare Minerals, not Virgin Atlantic. Dear Virgin Atlantic, if you're reading, I'm planning a honeymoon. This is "not" a hint. Okay, it is a hint. I'm cheap, sue me.
This post originated at: All rights reserved.
Well, with that in mind, Virgin Atlantic have teamed up with Bare Minerals to create their perfect red shade, matched to the uniforms worn by all Virgin Atlantic staff, designed to last through long-haul flights and not be drying. Initally it's available on Virgin Atlantic flights, and it's due to be released through Bare Minerals stores later this year. Oh, and it's actually now part of the VA uniform, so it's the only lipstick the staff can wear! Having worked for several years in the travel industry prior to becoming an accountant, there's actually nothing particularly new about this, lots of holiday companies dictate the shades of lipstick their staff can wear, but this is the first I've heard about a brand creating the shade in the first place ...
So, how does it measure up? This is a gorgeously pigmented red, that slips beautifully over the lips, and stays put for quite some time. However, it does fade, and it will give you the Red Ring Of Doom (the RROD - you'll see this acronym a fair bit over the next couple of weeks, btw) as it does.
The applicator is a wonderfully flexible springy thing of beauty, but I do find that the wider bits at the base can lead to a slightly smudged application if you're not careful with it.
I find that you must (no ifs, ands or buts) wipe off the excess lipstick back into the tube, because if you don't, you will end up with a lipstick/teeth-type situation that you won't appreciate, but if you apply lightly, in layers, then you'll have a lovely glossy finish that eventually dries down to a stain.
This is a lovely tomato-red, it's actually fairly blue-based, but it pulls a little orange on my cool-toned skin.
Overall, this is a good liquid lipstick, if you apply it carefully. I like the shade, don't love the applicator, and like how long it lasts (again, if you apply it carefully), but how does it measure up to other red liquid lipsticks? Well, I'll let you know that over the next two weeks, where I'll be comparing it to other iconic red liquid lipsticks (from Chanel, Beaute and Guerlain, for a start), and I'll keep you posted.
The Fine Print: PR sample. From Bare Minerals, not Virgin Atlantic. Dear Virgin Atlantic, if you're reading, I'm planning a honeymoon. This is "not" a hint. Okay, it is a hint. I'm cheap, sue me.
This post originated at: All rights reserved.
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