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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Competition time!

Just cos I'm on my (mini) honeymoon doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you guys!  Over on my Facebook page (I have one you know) there's a caption competition running, where you can win a bag of goodies fresh from Paris! 

Pop on over, hit the like button and say something funny, you never know what you might win ... (handy hint, I'm going to be spending a LOT of time in Sephora)

See you on Sunday! 

This post: Competition time! originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper

Monday 18 February 2013


Photo by Priya Sonn (stunned-mullet faces, all our own work)
Well, the wedding was on Saturday, and, we had the best day. Seriously, the loveliest, funniest day ever. We were blessed with great weather, good friends, and getting to share our day with the people we love was an amazing experience!  And there was cake.  LOTS of cake!

Photo by Helen Burnham
There is no real post today, or this week really (I'll be back on a regular posting schedule next week) but I wanted to share a couple of our pictures with you and say a heartfelt thanks to some of the people who helped make yesterday so special:

In no particular order:

MakeUpByKaty who did brilliant makeup, and was wonderful company in the hours before the ceremony
Naomi at Neville Salon who does the best blow dries I've ever had.  EVER.  (full review soon!)
Helen & Caroline for sorting out the hen party, and allowing me not to ever worry about it.
Amy at The Beauty Slice for dragging herself out of her sickbed and making my family look wonderful.
Lovely's Vintage Emporium, where we found the most beautiful vintage wedding jewellery
Fushigi Shop, who designed, and made the beautiful gifts for the wedding party
Jack Howard for being best colourist ever, and a really good friend too.
Sheenie, who made the cupcakes, and Jane who made the wedding cake, all of which were so good people were having seconds (and thirds!)
There's also Sheonaidh, who is one of the best friends a girl ever had.  Especially to a bad-tempered unreliable midget  like myself. Thank you for being with me during the collywobbles.
Of course, big thanks to Priya Sonn for being a fun and wonderful wedding photographer. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the official shots!
There's also our friends and our families, too numerous to mention individually, who all came together on Saturday and made it such a warm, fun and friendly day.  You guys rock, and we're lucky to know all of you! 

Photo by Selena Peters  
And finally, to my husband, who has my heart, is in my soul, is my partner-in-crime, and is always my best friend, even when I don't deserve it.  Being the partner of a dedicated beauty blogger isn't an easy thing, but, Matthew, thank you for always letting me have the run of the cupboard space. I love you.
This post: #LippieWedding! originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper

Monday 11 February 2013

Wedding Prep - Nails (Featuring Nailtiques and Estee Lauder)

Getting married makes you paranoid about the oddest things - zits, blotches, weight, hair, and  ... nails.  My nails are weak, peely and friable in their natural state, and hands are so important in a wedding (the rings!) that I'm spending this last few days before the ceremony in a tizz about breaking one of them.

Actually, I'm in a tizz about a lot of things, but breaking a nail, stupid though it may sound, is definitely one of them! I think my nails are looking pretty good at the moment, and that is largely down to one product, this:

 I've been using it for around 18 months now, and it makes my soft, peely, (and really flipping annoying) nails hard as ... well, nails, really!   I don't, however, use it like it says in the instructions, (which are to use a layer every other day, and not with polish), but I do use it as a basecoat for my painted nails. A layer of this, a layer of Orly Bonder, and only then am I ready to get painting with a colour.  I've had my bottle so long now, though, that I can't actually remember where I got it from, yes, I'm still on that first bottle!  I remember wincing at the price, too, but it's worth every single penny.

It's made a world of difference to my nails, they peel a lot less, and they're strong and hard. I just can't imagine ever being without a bottle. I just have to not break a nail now till after Saturday ...

Oh, the polish in the top picture, which I love, is Insatiable by Estee Lauder.  A dirty lavender, which is a great alternative to all the "pretty" pastels appearing on counters at the moment.  It's limited edition, and on counters now, so go snap one up. God, I hate pastels ...

This post: Wedding Prep - Nails originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper

Friday 8 February 2013

Latest Basenotes Article!

 No real post today, but if you're missing my witterings, you can read my latest piece for Basenotes here.  It's a groundbreaking expose of  .... oh, who am I kidding?  I spent a week wearing perfumes from the pound shop, and, basically, it ends with me making death threats whilst fantasising about wet kippers and washing powder.  Kind of.  Go read it!

The Fine Print: I did not pay myself to feature this link to myself. 

Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who can see ... that ... thing in the illustration.

This post: originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper

Thursday 7 February 2013

Sleeping with Snor-Ring

This post might possibly veer into the Too Much Information-zone, featuring, as it does, talk of sleeping habits and routines.  Oh, and it's a MrLippie post, too.  Get Lippie advises readers of a nervous disposition to look away now ...


Allegedly, I snore. [No "allegedly" about it - Ed] I am still not entirely convinced that I do, but the phrase "you sound like a Brazilian logging camp" has been used in my vicinity, more than once,and sometimes by people who weren't even in the same room overnight! So, when a package arrived and had Get Lippie beaming with excitement as she handed it to me saying "This is for YOU!", my reaction was perhaps not the most enthusiastic. I would even go so far to say that I rolled my eyes. [He did.  A lot - Ed]

Added to being unconvinced about my snoring in the first place, I have a fairly lukewarm response to an awful lot of alternative therapy. I have a healthy dose of scepticism, alongside an aversion to trying new things, and the fact that this had been sprung on me without knowledge or consent
[Diddums - Ed], the likelihood of this ring being tried out - for any period of time - was a touch  on the low side. However, my long-suffering other half has been spending a significant amount of money on earplugs throughout our relationship, and, as she points out, the wedding wouldn't be going ahead if she hadn't [DAMN right! Ed] so, I sighed, looked at the ring, and resigned myself to wearing it for a few nights.

Now, the whole thing of wearing jewellery to bed feels odd. Wearing a ring on your little finger that is designed to hit a couple of accupressure points (which will apparently minimise your snoring) is DEFINITELY odd. Still, I went for it. I had to make a concious effort to put it on, as changing your bedroom routine is never the easiest thing to do, and I slowly drifted off, trying to ignore the nagging sensation of the ring on my finger. Obviously, I am at pains NOT to make any Hobbit/Lord of the Rings jokes, as I suspect I will be banned from the blog forever
[tempting - Ed], but it's getting quite hard difficult

Anyhow! I slept. Then I woke up. Some would say this is not entirely good news, but I shall ignore them. Upon asking a relatively trustworthy witness
[Me! - Ed], it transpired that my snoring had indeed gone down by a fairly hefty factor. Hmm. Did it work? Seems so! Fast forward to the next night, again, the ring goes on, and I doze off.  Then wake up. So, how was my snoring? Quieter. Definitely quieter. 

Interesting. Onto night number 3 it is then. Lights out, ring on, cold side of the pillow, unconciousness. Lower volume. Okay, 3 nights in a row is good enough for me, I think. I've continued wearing it, and I have to say, regardless of whether it's a psychological association or the fact that pressure points genuinely work, the affect has been quite remarkable. Basically, I snore less - it does what it says on the tin! 


So there you have it.  I did notice, however, that a couple of weeks after this review was written, the ring was "lost" in a tragic "forgotten where I've put it" incident.  I give up.

If you suffer from a delusional snorer in your life, you could do worse than picking them up a Snor-Ring from an independent chemist, a Wholefoods store, or you can buy them online from where the sterling silver version will cost you £29.95.  We have no idea how it works, but it definitely does appear to.

If, however, your delusional snorer is a delicate little flower who is likely to refuse an unexpected gift of jewellery, then you can buy ear-plugs from SnoreStore, which is probably my favourite website in the entire world ... tell them I sent you!

The Fine Print: The Snor-Ring was a press sample, however, I've been a paying customer of SnoreStore for years. It's safe to say there wouldn't have been a relationship (much less a wedding) without them.

This post: Sleeping with Snor-Ring originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
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