Sunday, 12 June 2016
Skincare of the Week 12 June 2016
I've been on a blog-hiatus. It wasn't intended, but it just sort of happened, and, I have to admit, I've rather enjoyed it. I'm just now entering my eighth year of blogging (you read that right), so that's seven years of Sunday afternoons that I've spent at my computer,which equates to nearly a solid YEAR of taking pictures, editing pictures (always the worst part, tbh), actually doing the writing and doesn't even slightly take into account the hours I spend getting to events, reading press releases, testing products and the thinking (oh my god, the THINKING) about blog posts even before I sit down to write them!
So, because I've been enjoying NOT blogging for a couple of months, its crossed my mind that maybe I should retire. Year end was super-busy at work this year, and we just moved house, and I've been tired - so very, very tired - and the thought of adding blogging back into that particular mix has just been ... depressing. Another thing to worry about, and another obligation. That said, I've been loving Instagram very much lately, pop on over!
Retiring from blogging at Get Lippie completely has been a tempting option under the circumstances, like the thought of going on a lovely, looooooooong, holiday. Blogging, particularly beauty blogging, is both a bit of a rat-race and a popularity contest these days, and I'm never going to be Zoella or Pixiwoos. Hell, I'm barely even Get Lippie these days! Luckily, I don't rely on my blog to make my living - there's no sponsorship or endorsement deals here - but, now I'm out of work-madness time, and we've practically got the new flat sorted, I'm going to give a couple of Sundays* back up to the blogging muse, and see what occurs.
So, yeah, skincare is what we're meant to be talking about, apparently, not my existential crisis, so here's some skincare chat:
I'm attempting to use up my much-beloved Zelens Intense Defence Serum, because it's nearly at the end, and that will make it the only serum I've used up in several years! I love this stuff, on my picky, overly sensitive, prone-to-redness skin, this acts like a bandage, protecting it from all kinds of pollutants and cushioning it from the effects of overly harsh weather, or unsuitable skincare products. I've been boosting it with Zelens Power D Drops in recent weeks, and I'll be giving a full review of those soon.
Clinique sent me a bumper pack of their Moisture Surge products the other week, and, whilst I've had trouble with gel-formula moisturisers in the past (they tend to be heavy on the silicones and irritate my skin by not letting it breathe too well), I'm really enjoying using Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief. The stress of the last couple of months, combined with spending a lot of hours really staring at a computer - seriously, when you're getting 40 incomprehensible emails a day from a government department, you'd be screwing your face up too - have left me craving hydration, and I find this feels super-hydrating at first application and leaves my skin feeling velvety and wonderful, without the little angry bumps I can get from too many silicones.
Something else new that I'm trying right now is the Silke London silk hair wrap. I've been toying with wrapping my hair for a while now, having found that sleeping on a silk pillow case makes a huge difference to my hair, but couldn't find a 100% silk wrap that I liked. Then Silke London launched, and I had to have one, so treated myself to an Isla, which is the green and blue version. It's essentially a silk turban, and looks impossibly glamorous on the right person. I am not the right person, and look like Hilda Ogden after a minor lottery win in mine, so there will be no selfies wearing it, but I'll keep you posted ...
How's your week been? I've not retired. Yet.
*But not next Sunday. Ironically, I'm going on holiday ... ;)
The Fine Print: PR samples and purchases
This post: Skincare of the Week 12 June 2016 originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Skincare of the Week 15th May 2016
Last week was a really stressful one, with deadlines and auditors galore, I'm still recovering! Hopefully now both the house move and the audit are over, I'll have a little more time free to do some blogging and cataloguing my collection of ... stuff. I've had a few new releases recently too, and I'll get around to photographing them soon. Anyhoo, skincare-wise, I've been a bit all over the place, and I'm just now getting back into a routine after a recent bout of sensitivity, which caused me to have to omit a few things. I'm slowly adding some bits back, and so Zelens Skincare Power D Drops are re-appearing in my routines.
Notable newness I've added this week includes Dermalogica Pre Cleanse, a thin and light lavender-scented oil which is perfect for a morning cleanse when you don't need any makeup removal. It's rather scented though, but very lovely. I've also invested in a bottle of Santa Maria Novelli Rose Water to help soothe my stressed skin. I love to splash this on all over first thing in the morning and it smells delicious.
What's the latest on your face?
The Fine Print: PR samples and purchases
This post: Skincare of the Week 15th May 2016 originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Monday, 2 May 2016
Skincare of the week 2nd May 2016
I'm trialling a couple of new bits and pieces at the moment, mostly from Zelens. The new pieces I've added to my routine are the Zelens Power D Treatment Drops, which I've been adding to my serums this week for a lovely antioxidant boost, and I've been using them alongside the Zelens Hydra Shiso Balancing Moisturiser too. Loving the treatment drops, but I really need to re-try the moisturiser - I had a touch of sensitivity towards the end of the week (which I think was related to a rather silicone-heavy cosmetic product I'd been using), so I'll be gradually re-introducing the skincare back to my routine over the next week or so. I was also introduced to Erborian Eau Ginseng toner this week, which is a lovely moisturising step in my routine. I'm really enjoying using splash toners at the moment, they're a bit less shocking than sprays, first thing in the morning! Plus, you can really feel the difference in what they do to your skin, as you apply. (I also have plans to use this as an occasional eye mask, I've been doing a lot of squinting at a computer recently, and the dehydration lines I've been suffering with as a result are no joke, believe me!).
What's new in your routine these days?
The Fine Print: A mixture of PR samples and purchases
This post: Skincare of the week 2nd May 2016 originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Alpha H Liquid Laser Cleansing Oil
As well as being on a bit of a lipstick kick at the moment, I'm currently obsessed - and I do mean obsessed - by cleansers. Having recently discovered, and loved, Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel, I am currently using that and this Liquid Laser Cleansing Oil in semi-permanent rotation.
Another oil-gel-based product, the Liquid Laser range is suitable for older, or duller skins, but is mainly targeted at the surgery-shy over-45s. Despite not being quite in that bracket yet, this is still a joy to use.
Lightly reminscent of lavender with a hint of citrus in smell, this is a sticky gel that melts on contact with skin to form an oil. This lends itself incredibly well to a bit of facial massage on application. It's a great nighttime cleanser, but I'd use it after you've done your makeup removal, now I come to think of it. It will remove makeup, but it's a bit of a waste of a lovely product, actually.
Designed to lighten pigmentation, the formula contains white mulberry, cucumber and hibiscus to soothe, and I find it doesn't redden or irritate my sensitive skin. It emulsifies beautifully, requiring only a few drops of water to form a milky cleanser that is easy to remove from your skin, however you prefer (I prefer to emulsify and then use a hot cloth personally, but it is whatever works for you):
All in all, a bit of a winner. I'm a bit in love with the Liquid Laser range generally at the moment, but I'll tell you more about the rest of the products another time.
What are you cleansing with these days?
The Fine Print: PR Sample
The Even Finer Print: We're not featuring full fragrance reviews on Get Lippie at the moment owing to illness - please see The Parosmia Diaries for more.
This post: Alpha H Liquid Laser Cleansing Oil originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Friday, 20 March 2015
Alpha H Instant Facial
This is a rather elderly bottle of Alpha H Instant Facial. It's nearly empty, but I love it very much, and I shall be sad when it is gone.
Alpha H are the queens of glycolic acid, and their Liquid Gold product is - rightly - a cult, but I find it is a little too stimulating for my skin, so I don't use it very often these days. Instant Facial is a lighter acidic spray designed to be used throughout the day for an immediate pick-me-up effect.
Personally, I prefer to use this as part of my cleansing routine as the acidic toner part of my routine, I spray a little onto a cotton wool pad and sweep over freshly cleansed skin, and then immediately follow with Serozinc and serum/oil, then moisturiser. It gives me a light exfoliation effect, which is particularly noticeable if I've been neglecting my skin for a couple of days, and it does this without irritation, or too much tingling.
I find it an excellent addition to my collection of acidic toners, it is a little on the pricey side compared to Clarins exfoliating toner (less than £20), at £37 from Cult Beauty, but compared to my beloved Zelens PHA pads at £65, it's more of a bargain, I happily rotate Instant Facial with both of those. Because of the spray, you use a fixed amount per use, and this product lasts and lasts and lasts, as you can probably tell from the scruffy state of my six-months+ old bottle.
What are your old but beloved products?
The Fine Print: PR Sample
The Even Finer Print: We're not featuring full fragrance reviews on Get Lippie at the moment owing to illness - please see The Parosmia Diaries for more.
This post: Alpha H Instant Facial originated at: Get Lippie All rights reserved. If you are not reading this post at Get Lippie, then this content has been stolen by a scraper
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Current Skincare Routine
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Serious Face is Serious |
From left to right, we have Nude Cleansing Oil, which is an old, old old favourite. Whilst I might flirt with other cleansers (and I do), I always come back to this after my skin has had enough of the others. I love it, even though the bottle is now only half the size it used to be.
After a long while of using very simple skincare, I'm adding back some active products, and these are my current picks:
111Skin Daily Orbit NAC Y2 Energising Youth Tonic (catchy title), which is from the new range very recently launched by Dr Yannis Alexandrides. Not - actually - a toner, this is actually a slightly viscous, highly moisturising liquid, that I use in place of toner, and as the start of my moisturising routine. It's cooling and soothing, and I love using it. Also, the range has been tested in space. How can anyone resist skincare that's been tested in space? It's full of peptides and antioxidants, and my skin loves this. I have a sample of the serum too, which I've not used yet, but I'll bring you a full review of both products when I have used it. 111Skin is available from Harrods.
Speaking of science and stuff, next up is Astalift Aquarysta, which is another very recently launched product, this time from Fujifilm. Yes, you read that right. FujiFILM. Astalift Aquarysta is a beautiful coral-red jelly, which is, again, packed with antioxidants and, this time also with collagen. Apparently collagen is a staple of the (non-digital) film industry, and Fujifilm has invested some of their years and years of collagen research into skincare. I've found that this jelly - used as a serum in the mornings - immediately smoothes and leaves skin feeling plump, soft and velvety. I love it. Time will tell if has any long-term benefits, but at the moment, this is unqualified love. I want a BIGGER JAR. Aqualift Aquarysta is available from Debenhams.
At the moment, I'm also trialling Kate Somerville Nourish Daily Moisturiser, I've literally just finished my jar of Kate's Goat Cream, but it was beginning to feel a little too heavy for summer, so I've swapped to this lighter, more balancing formulation from the range. It's cooling and refreshing, and doesn't leave a greasy film.
And finally, two nights a week, I've brought the Alpha H Liquid Gold back. I stopped using it last year, because my skin was going through one of its frequent crazy periods where nothing suited it, and I just got out of the habit. Now, I look forward to my "Alpha H nights", and I'm a-tingle with anticipation ....
What's your current regime?
The Fine Print: A hodge-podge of PR samples, purchases, gifts, and other stuff. Also, SKINCARE IN SPACE!!! Skincare! In SPACE!!!
This post originated at: All rights reserved.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Alpha H Daily Essential Moisturiser - Factor 50+
Get Lippie has flu at the moment, so that means a new guest review on the blog! I'm handing over to my lovely workmate Kate, who asked me for some advice a couple of weeks ago and got a little more than she bargained for ...
Within a couple of days of hearing that my colleague Louise wrote a beauty blog, I'd emailed her with my own particular problem, begging her to offer advice. Like the sparkling, perfectly made-up fairy godmother that she is, she came through with an absolutely corking suggestion.
Here's the problem. I have really fair skin that burns under the sun and colours from the heat very easily. I am also prone to eczema flare-ups - it's mostly stress related, but my skin is an awkward so-and-so and likes to surprise me sometimes. I use a daily moisturiser with SPF15 but as soon as we hit the summer, that just doesn't cut it.
So I'm forced to put my factor 50 Piz Buin on my face. Face is never happy with this and often complains, and I can forget make-up at this point as it all slips straight off.
After hearing my plea, Louise, being the star that she is, came rushing to see me clutching a sample bottle of Alpha-H Daily Essential Moisturiser SPF 50+ and told me to give it a try.
Piz Buin, you will never see my face again (although you can still take care of my back, arms, legs and everywhere else).
The big bonus about the cream is that it's light, but still manages to have enough moisturising might to replace my usual daily. And because it is so light I can wear foundation over the top without looking like
I've just been swimming. Most important of all, of course, is that it has prevented me from burning.
Now that I've gone ahead and bought the full size bottle, I can tell you that it comes in a handy pump action bottle. This is great as a little goes a long way and it'll help me use it sparingly so I don't run out too soon.
I'm going to be wearing Alpha-H 50+ during the daylight parts of my 24 hour, 78 mile walk this weekend. And that little sample tube from Louise will form an essential part of my pack. Thanks, Louise!
Follow my progress from occasional walker to endurance strider at
Thank you very much Kate, looking forward to seeing if you got burned or not on your mammoth walk!
The Fine Print: Original sample size was obtained via a goodie bag at an event several months ago. Several full-size bottles have been purchased since.
This post originated at: All rights reserved.
Within a couple of days of hearing that my colleague Louise wrote a beauty blog, I'd emailed her with my own particular problem, begging her to offer advice. Like the sparkling, perfectly made-up fairy godmother that she is, she came through with an absolutely corking suggestion.
Here's the problem. I have really fair skin that burns under the sun and colours from the heat very easily. I am also prone to eczema flare-ups - it's mostly stress related, but my skin is an awkward so-and-so and likes to surprise me sometimes. I use a daily moisturiser with SPF15 but as soon as we hit the summer, that just doesn't cut it.
So I'm forced to put my factor 50 Piz Buin on my face. Face is never happy with this and often complains, and I can forget make-up at this point as it all slips straight off.
After hearing my plea, Louise, being the star that she is, came rushing to see me clutching a sample bottle of Alpha-H Daily Essential Moisturiser SPF 50+ and told me to give it a try.
Piz Buin, you will never see my face again (although you can still take care of my back, arms, legs and everywhere else).
The big bonus about the cream is that it's light, but still manages to have enough moisturising might to replace my usual daily. And because it is so light I can wear foundation over the top without looking like
I've just been swimming. Most important of all, of course, is that it has prevented me from burning.
Now that I've gone ahead and bought the full size bottle, I can tell you that it comes in a handy pump action bottle. This is great as a little goes a long way and it'll help me use it sparingly so I don't run out too soon.
I'm going to be wearing Alpha-H 50+ during the daylight parts of my 24 hour, 78 mile walk this weekend. And that little sample tube from Louise will form an essential part of my pack. Thanks, Louise!
Follow my progress from occasional walker to endurance strider at
Thank you very much Kate, looking forward to seeing if you got burned or not on your mammoth walk!
The Fine Print: Original sample size was obtained via a goodie bag at an event several months ago. Several full-size bottles have been purchased since.
This post originated at: All rights reserved.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
My Picks of 2010
Needless to say, you'll have seen a million of these posts already, and I was in two minds whether or not to post my selections too, but some of these products have been life-changing for me, and I thought I'd share them anyway ...
Bath Products of The Year:
Aromatherapy Associates
Early on in the year, I was sent an Aromatherapy Associates Miniature Bath and Shower oil selection, which I adored, and since then, I've been through two - count them! - full-size bottles of the Deep Relax bath oil. Both heady and relaxing, this stuff has seen me through an operation, a change of job, and moving house, I can't recommend it highly enough. A capful (or two, in my mega-bath's case) is more than enough to soothe my aching bones, and ease my weary head. You can also use it as a shower oil, or, in extreme cases, you can dab it on your pulse points and sniff as required. They do great candles too.
Lipstick of the Year
Guerlain Rouge G in Georgia
Adore the packaging, love (love!) the colour, and the fact that it's both £10 cheaper than Tom Ford's Pure Pink, alongside being slightly easier to wear makes this glorious shade my pick of the year. The Tom Ford Private Collection lipsticks did grow on me throughout the year (to the extent that I now own three of them), however, this is the shade I'll be buying back up of very soon.
Shampoo/Conditioner of the Year:
Andrew Collinge Smooth & Shine
An oldie, admittedly, but a damn good one. I found this moisturising, and made my hair behave beautifully. Easy to rinse, and it left my hair with an amazing shine, and at a bargainous £4.99 for a 500ml bottle, it lasted forever too! If it were SLS-free, I'd be using it still (I had a keratin treatment at the end of year, so am using SLS-free formulations right now), but I had no issues with colour-stripping whilst I was using this on my dry, colour-processed hair.
Blusher of the Year
Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush
2010 was the year I really started to get into blusher, it started with Estee Lauder's Bronzed Goddess bronzer, and ended with Nars Douceur, but in between were these little gems. I love them still, and now own three, in Truth, Cherub and Dare (plus I intend to get my hands on Flush and Gentle at some point too), as they're practically perfect. Long-lasting, buildable and perfectly tinted, after I learned to handle them, I fell in love.
Eyeshadow of the year
Le Metier de Beaute Kaleidoscope in Le Cirque
To be fair, everything I've tried from Le Metier this year has been great, but the Le Cirque Kaleidoscope blew me away a little bit. Beautiful and endlessly versatile, this is practically the only eyeshadow palette I've reached for since I bought it a couple of months ago. Alas, it's limited edition, so I'm glad I arranged a backup when I could.
Foundation of the Year
A tough one, this, so there are two winners (and a runner up ...):
Guerlain Lingerie De Peau and Bourjois Healthy Mix
Both great for a glowing finish (even though the Bourjois is technically only a "satin" or semi-matte finish), I genuinely couldn't choose between the two. The Guerlain is a lighter-than-air, dewy finish that I find works best when set with just the tiniest bit of powder, whereas the Bourjois doesn't need setting, but I find the coverage is a little heavier.
Just want to give a mention to a distinguished runner up, which is Armani Face Fabric. Amazing mousse texture, but for me, I need to be having a really good face day to do it justice. But this is great stuff:
Nail Varnish of the Year
Deborah Lippmann: Hit Me With Your Best Shot.
A glimmering steel-grey shade with hints of multi-coloured micro-shimmer, I've reached for this polish again and again since it arrived in my stick little paws, I love it, and it just edged out Dolce & Gabanna's Perfection (which it very nearly is) as my pick of the year. Unfair as I still don't think House of Fraser have it in stock yet, but when they do, snap this one up!
Candle of the Year
Jonathan Ward Idina's Locket
No competition - unless you count the rest of the candles in this superbly-scented Amber range from Jonathan Ward, of which I bought the entire range of the day it was released! And I know I wasn't the only person to have done the same, either. Warm and evocative, this candle smells like it was stolen straight from the boudoir of Coco Chanel herself. I now have more candles from Jonathan on my "Candle Wall" than I do from any other maker, and the reason for that is because they are wonderful, not to mention very clean burning.
Perfume of the Year
Untitled by Maison Martin Margiela
A possibly controversial choice, but my blog, my rules, so ... I have to say that out of all the mass perfume releases I smelled this year, this was by far the most interesting, and it's definitely the scent that's responsible for getting me interested in perfume at all during 2010, so for that, it was a very important discovery for me. Not every perfume in store smells like sweeties, and thank goodness for that. You're going to be hearing a lot from me about perfume in the coming months, so you can all blame the 'Martin.
Skincare Range of the Year:
Much like Le Metier above, where I haven't had a duff product from them all year, Alpha H has been the same for skincare. I've tried practically every product from the range now, and (one exploding eyecream aside) I've liked (at worst) all of them, and loved some of them. Start with Liquid Gold, try the facial oil, then move onto the masks, you can't really go wrong. I'll have some more in-depth reviews of a couple of things coming up soon, but this is a great, no-frills brand, and I highly recommend them.
You might also want to have a look at Mir Skincare, which is formulated for sensitive skin, and is a bit of a marvel, in particular I loved the (vegan-friendly) Argan Oil, which I'll shortly be placing a replacement order for.
And finally - if you're still reading!
Overall Product of the Year
Quite simply, it's a life (and skin) changing bit of kit. I've banged on about it at relentless length several times before now, so I shan't go on, but suffice to say, I can't imagine life without this now. Even if it is, essentially, a giant toothbrush for your face.
This has been one massive post, sorry!
Bath Products of The Year:
Aromatherapy Associates
Early on in the year, I was sent an Aromatherapy Associates Miniature Bath and Shower oil selection, which I adored, and since then, I've been through two - count them! - full-size bottles of the Deep Relax bath oil. Both heady and relaxing, this stuff has seen me through an operation, a change of job, and moving house, I can't recommend it highly enough. A capful (or two, in my mega-bath's case) is more than enough to soothe my aching bones, and ease my weary head. You can also use it as a shower oil, or, in extreme cases, you can dab it on your pulse points and sniff as required. They do great candles too.
Lipstick of the Year
Guerlain Rouge G in Georgia
Adore the packaging, love (love!) the colour, and the fact that it's both £10 cheaper than Tom Ford's Pure Pink, alongside being slightly easier to wear makes this glorious shade my pick of the year. The Tom Ford Private Collection lipsticks did grow on me throughout the year (to the extent that I now own three of them), however, this is the shade I'll be buying back up of very soon.
Shampoo/Conditioner of the Year:
Andrew Collinge Smooth & Shine
An oldie, admittedly, but a damn good one. I found this moisturising, and made my hair behave beautifully. Easy to rinse, and it left my hair with an amazing shine, and at a bargainous £4.99 for a 500ml bottle, it lasted forever too! If it were SLS-free, I'd be using it still (I had a keratin treatment at the end of year, so am using SLS-free formulations right now), but I had no issues with colour-stripping whilst I was using this on my dry, colour-processed hair.
Blusher of the Year
Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush
2010 was the year I really started to get into blusher, it started with Estee Lauder's Bronzed Goddess bronzer, and ended with Nars Douceur, but in between were these little gems. I love them still, and now own three, in Truth, Cherub and Dare (plus I intend to get my hands on Flush and Gentle at some point too), as they're practically perfect. Long-lasting, buildable and perfectly tinted, after I learned to handle them, I fell in love.
Eyeshadow of the year
Le Metier de Beaute Kaleidoscope in Le Cirque
To be fair, everything I've tried from Le Metier this year has been great, but the Le Cirque Kaleidoscope blew me away a little bit. Beautiful and endlessly versatile, this is practically the only eyeshadow palette I've reached for since I bought it a couple of months ago. Alas, it's limited edition, so I'm glad I arranged a backup when I could.
Foundation of the Year
A tough one, this, so there are two winners (and a runner up ...):
Guerlain Lingerie De Peau and Bourjois Healthy Mix
Both great for a glowing finish (even though the Bourjois is technically only a "satin" or semi-matte finish), I genuinely couldn't choose between the two. The Guerlain is a lighter-than-air, dewy finish that I find works best when set with just the tiniest bit of powder, whereas the Bourjois doesn't need setting, but I find the coverage is a little heavier.
Just want to give a mention to a distinguished runner up, which is Armani Face Fabric. Amazing mousse texture, but for me, I need to be having a really good face day to do it justice. But this is great stuff:
Nail Varnish of the Year
Deborah Lippmann: Hit Me With Your Best Shot.
A glimmering steel-grey shade with hints of multi-coloured micro-shimmer, I've reached for this polish again and again since it arrived in my stick little paws, I love it, and it just edged out Dolce & Gabanna's Perfection (which it very nearly is) as my pick of the year. Unfair as I still don't think House of Fraser have it in stock yet, but when they do, snap this one up!
Jonathan Ward Idina's Locket
No competition - unless you count the rest of the candles in this superbly-scented Amber range from Jonathan Ward, of which I bought the entire range of the day it was released! And I know I wasn't the only person to have done the same, either. Warm and evocative, this candle smells like it was stolen straight from the boudoir of Coco Chanel herself. I now have more candles from Jonathan on my "Candle Wall" than I do from any other maker, and the reason for that is because they are wonderful, not to mention very clean burning.
Perfume of the Year
Untitled by Maison Martin Margiela
A possibly controversial choice, but my blog, my rules, so ... I have to say that out of all the mass perfume releases I smelled this year, this was by far the most interesting, and it's definitely the scent that's responsible for getting me interested in perfume at all during 2010, so for that, it was a very important discovery for me. Not every perfume in store smells like sweeties, and thank goodness for that. You're going to be hearing a lot from me about perfume in the coming months, so you can all blame the 'Martin.
Skincare Range of the Year:
Much like Le Metier above, where I haven't had a duff product from them all year, Alpha H has been the same for skincare. I've tried practically every product from the range now, and (one exploding eyecream aside) I've liked (at worst) all of them, and loved some of them. Start with Liquid Gold, try the facial oil, then move onto the masks, you can't really go wrong. I'll have some more in-depth reviews of a couple of things coming up soon, but this is a great, no-frills brand, and I highly recommend them.
You might also want to have a look at Mir Skincare, which is formulated for sensitive skin, and is a bit of a marvel, in particular I loved the (vegan-friendly) Argan Oil, which I'll shortly be placing a replacement order for.
And finally - if you're still reading!
Overall Product of the Year
Quite simply, it's a life (and skin) changing bit of kit. I've banged on about it at relentless length several times before now, so I shan't go on, but suffice to say, I can't imagine life without this now. Even if it is, essentially, a giant toothbrush for your face.
This has been one massive post, sorry!
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
My Current Skin Care Routine
I've tried a lot of skincare this year - and I'll bring you some reviews of some of those brands soon, but I thought it would be nice to talk about what I'm using at the moment, as I'm really happy with it, and my skin is about as good as it's been in the last few years, so I thought people might like to know about it!
First of all, the Clarisonic. I swear, this has been the single biggest difference I've made to my skin this year. I, like many people, initially thought it was a bit of a gimmick, after all, it's essentially a giant toothbrush for your face! But the difference it's made to my skin is amazing. It's dealt with my troublesome forehead dry patch that I've been plagued with for years, and I've been able to use less product, and need to rely less on heavy foundations as a result. Truly, the Clarisonic is a habit-changer, and I'm glad it's appeared in my life. I use mine twice a day, and it's one of those products that you can really tell the difference if you've skipped a day.
A couple of months ago, I bought a collection of Alpha H products from QVC (it contains cleanser, moisturiser, eye cream, liquid gold and a mask - it's the five piece smoothing collection on this page here) and these have formed the basis of my routine ever since. In particular, I'm a big fan of the balancing cleanser and the Liquid Gold itself.
In the morning, I use the Balancing Cleanser - alongside the Clarisonic, and I find it cooling and refreshing on my skin. I'm not, ordinarily, a fan of cream cleansers, but this doesn't leave any residue, and leaves my skin feeling clean and smooth. There's no real scent to it, and I've had no breakouts whatsoever since I bought it. I have a massive 200ml tube which has lasted me two months so far and I estimate I'm about half way down it so far. However, I do not double cleanse, I find that on my (sensitive, and temperamental) skin, double cleansing is just a recipe for dryness and redness, personally.
I follow this with the Alpha H Age Delay Lip and Eye cream, and then I've been following it with Murad Active Radiance serum, which provides a massive vitamin C boost for the skin, and helps repair sun damage. I like that is absorbs quickly, and it gives my skin a little tingle in the mornings when I use it. I follow that with either Murad Sheer Lustre Day Moisture (SPF 15), if I'm planning to wear foundation that day, it's a nice, very light lotion that leaves my skin with a nice sheeny glow and provides a great base for some of the foundations I've been trialling recently. There's a golden sheen to it in the tube, which just adds a little radiance to my skin, and I like it a great deal.
If it's a day where I just want a tinted moisturiser, then I'll break out my tried and trusted Bobbi Brown Tinted Moisturising Balm in Light-to-medium. I love this product, and have been using it for at least five years now, it's pigmented enough to even out your skintone, but it's also, let's face it, a damn fine moisturiser. It's also one of the nicest smelling cosmetic products I own, I love the stuff, and this must be my fifth or even sixth jar now, it's a summer staple.
In the evenings, I once again cleanse with the Balancing Cleanser (or, if it's an OTT makeup day, I use Nude Cleansing Oil), again with the eyecream, and then follow with the Alpha H Liquid Gold. Initially, I thought this was a toner, but it's actually a glycolic acid-based treatment that gently helps to resurface your skin overnight. I love this stuff, it's one of very few products where you can actually see the difference in your skin the morning after. Your skin will just glow, and you'll look like you had at least ten hours sleep. My only issue with this product is that you have to apply it to cotton wool, and it turns out that I really don't like applying things with cotton wool. Yes, I'm a bit odd. It's fine, I'm used to it.
It's not really recommended that you use Liquid Gold every night (you'll resurface yourself into oblivion if you do!) so on aternate nights, I use the Rejuvenating Cream as a night treatment. Meant for daily use on mature skins, this is a little too rich for me to use all the time, but I find every other night as a boost to the Liquid Gold, it's perfect as a night cream.
This has been a very long post for what is actually a pretty simple routine! I'm currently swapping in a couple of new products (changing the night cream, and the serum, basically), for review purposes but this is what I've been using for the last couple of months, and I've loved it. What's your current routine, and what wonder products have you found and enjoyed recently?
The Fine Print: Some of the products mentioned in this post were provided by PR for review purposes. Others I bought. It doesn't matter which is which. I like what I like, and it matters not in the slightest under those circumstances how I came by the product. So there, how's about them apples?
First of all, the Clarisonic. I swear, this has been the single biggest difference I've made to my skin this year. I, like many people, initially thought it was a bit of a gimmick, after all, it's essentially a giant toothbrush for your face! But the difference it's made to my skin is amazing. It's dealt with my troublesome forehead dry patch that I've been plagued with for years, and I've been able to use less product, and need to rely less on heavy foundations as a result. Truly, the Clarisonic is a habit-changer, and I'm glad it's appeared in my life. I use mine twice a day, and it's one of those products that you can really tell the difference if you've skipped a day.
A couple of months ago, I bought a collection of Alpha H products from QVC (it contains cleanser, moisturiser, eye cream, liquid gold and a mask - it's the five piece smoothing collection on this page here) and these have formed the basis of my routine ever since. In particular, I'm a big fan of the balancing cleanser and the Liquid Gold itself.
In the morning, I use the Balancing Cleanser - alongside the Clarisonic, and I find it cooling and refreshing on my skin. I'm not, ordinarily, a fan of cream cleansers, but this doesn't leave any residue, and leaves my skin feeling clean and smooth. There's no real scent to it, and I've had no breakouts whatsoever since I bought it. I have a massive 200ml tube which has lasted me two months so far and I estimate I'm about half way down it so far. However, I do not double cleanse, I find that on my (sensitive, and temperamental) skin, double cleansing is just a recipe for dryness and redness, personally.
I follow this with the Alpha H Age Delay Lip and Eye cream, and then I've been following it with Murad Active Radiance serum, which provides a massive vitamin C boost for the skin, and helps repair sun damage. I like that is absorbs quickly, and it gives my skin a little tingle in the mornings when I use it. I follow that with either Murad Sheer Lustre Day Moisture (SPF 15), if I'm planning to wear foundation that day, it's a nice, very light lotion that leaves my skin with a nice sheeny glow and provides a great base for some of the foundations I've been trialling recently. There's a golden sheen to it in the tube, which just adds a little radiance to my skin, and I like it a great deal.
If it's a day where I just want a tinted moisturiser, then I'll break out my tried and trusted Bobbi Brown Tinted Moisturising Balm in Light-to-medium. I love this product, and have been using it for at least five years now, it's pigmented enough to even out your skintone, but it's also, let's face it, a damn fine moisturiser. It's also one of the nicest smelling cosmetic products I own, I love the stuff, and this must be my fifth or even sixth jar now, it's a summer staple.
In the evenings, I once again cleanse with the Balancing Cleanser (or, if it's an OTT makeup day, I use Nude Cleansing Oil), again with the eyecream, and then follow with the Alpha H Liquid Gold. Initially, I thought this was a toner, but it's actually a glycolic acid-based treatment that gently helps to resurface your skin overnight. I love this stuff, it's one of very few products where you can actually see the difference in your skin the morning after. Your skin will just glow, and you'll look like you had at least ten hours sleep. My only issue with this product is that you have to apply it to cotton wool, and it turns out that I really don't like applying things with cotton wool. Yes, I'm a bit odd. It's fine, I'm used to it.
It's not really recommended that you use Liquid Gold every night (you'll resurface yourself into oblivion if you do!) so on aternate nights, I use the Rejuvenating Cream as a night treatment. Meant for daily use on mature skins, this is a little too rich for me to use all the time, but I find every other night as a boost to the Liquid Gold, it's perfect as a night cream.
This has been a very long post for what is actually a pretty simple routine! I'm currently swapping in a couple of new products (changing the night cream, and the serum, basically), for review purposes but this is what I've been using for the last couple of months, and I've loved it. What's your current routine, and what wonder products have you found and enjoyed recently?
The Fine Print: Some of the products mentioned in this post were provided by PR for review purposes. Others I bought. It doesn't matter which is which. I like what I like, and it matters not in the slightest under those circumstances how I came by the product. So there, how's about them apples?
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Review - Alpha H facial
Yesterday's post was about a blissful spa, so full of relaxation that I genuinely think the treatments - though enjoyable - are entirely secondary to the spa itself. Today's post is about a spa that's more or less the exact opposite, putting great treatments front and centre, but entirely fabulous nonetheless.
Fern Skin Clinic are the only spa in the country licensed to carry out Alpha H facials, and boy, these people take their facials seriously. I first learned about Alpha H products when they launched on QVC about a decade ago, I was suffering from adult onset acne at the time, and I'd heard that the products were amazing for "troubled" skin. Sadly, at that time I couldn't afford to buy the products, and by the time I could, I'd solved my acne issues (mainly by swapping away from foaming cleansers, but that's a blog post for another time). After that, I guess they just kind of dropped off my radar, after all, my skin was no longer "troubled".
Fast forward a few years to a chance meeting with the people behind the brand recently and I was put right, Alpha H is actually suitable for everyone, and has great results for both troubled and "less troubled" skin. I was offered a facial so I could out some of their claims to the test. I trotted off for a facial with Jody Bloch at the aforementioned Fern Clinic, and put my face on the line. Honestly, the things I do for you people ...
The clinic is clean, modern, a little stark, but no less relaxing a space for that, beds are comfortable, and the staff are warm, friendly, and very, very professional. After filling in an exceptionally thorough medical form, Jody chatted to me about my skin, my concerns and put together a personalised facial prescription for me.
Now, I have to say that these facials are very results-oriented, if you're expecting a couple of passes with a cleanser, and a relaxing massage, you're going to be verysurprised disappointed. After two cleansings (one with a Clarisonic, more about which tomorrow), a pineapple and papaya enzyme mask was applied and my face was wrapped in clingfilm. Yes, really. Then, after a thorough massage with an age delay oil, it was onto extractions. This HURT. Seriously, imagine someone digging around the pores of your nose with a safety pin, that's what it feels like. But, oh! The results! Then, a calming and soothing mask, a wonderful hand and arm massage, and my face was ready to face a moisturiser.
And what a face I ended up with! Well, obviously it was the same face I went in with, but you know what I mean ... I'd expected red blotchiness and greasy splots of nastiness (yes, ****** facials, I'm looking at you, £150, and left looking like I'd spent 90 minutes rubbing myself with a block of nettle-studded lard), but what looked back at me was rosy glowing plumpness and smoothness. I went without foundation for the best part of a week after (seriously unheard of for me), and spent several days marvelling at my temporary state of porelessness.
I'm seriously considering going back every week from now until the end of time. I've just bought a selection of Alpha H products as a result of the facial - I should make it clear that no one at the clinic pushed me to buy them at the time, something I always appreciate - and I'm looking forward to them arriving so I can use them for myself!
Products used:
Balancing Cleanser
Micro Cleanse
Pineapple & Papaya Enzyme Mask
Age Delay Oil
Calming & Soothing Mask
Balancing Moisturiser
I've heard good things about their moisturiser with factor 50+ sunscreen too, from no less than Lisa Eldridge, so I'm going to be tracking down a bottle of that very soon ... Alpha H products are available from Beauty Expert, QVC and HQ Hair
The Fine Print: Get Lippie was invited to Fern Skin Clinic as a guest of Alpha H. That all sounds so fancy, dunnit? I have since, however, bought my not inconsiderable bodyweight in products. They're *that* good. Full review as and when I get around to it.
Fern Skin Clinic are the only spa in the country licensed to carry out Alpha H facials, and boy, these people take their facials seriously. I first learned about Alpha H products when they launched on QVC about a decade ago, I was suffering from adult onset acne at the time, and I'd heard that the products were amazing for "troubled" skin. Sadly, at that time I couldn't afford to buy the products, and by the time I could, I'd solved my acne issues (mainly by swapping away from foaming cleansers, but that's a blog post for another time). After that, I guess they just kind of dropped off my radar, after all, my skin was no longer "troubled".
Fast forward a few years to a chance meeting with the people behind the brand recently and I was put right, Alpha H is actually suitable for everyone, and has great results for both troubled and "less troubled" skin. I was offered a facial so I could out some of their claims to the test. I trotted off for a facial with Jody Bloch at the aforementioned Fern Clinic, and put my face on the line. Honestly, the things I do for you people ...
The clinic is clean, modern, a little stark, but no less relaxing a space for that, beds are comfortable, and the staff are warm, friendly, and very, very professional. After filling in an exceptionally thorough medical form, Jody chatted to me about my skin, my concerns and put together a personalised facial prescription for me.
Now, I have to say that these facials are very results-oriented, if you're expecting a couple of passes with a cleanser, and a relaxing massage, you're going to be very
And what a face I ended up with! Well, obviously it was the same face I went in with, but you know what I mean ... I'd expected red blotchiness and greasy splots of nastiness (yes, ****** facials, I'm looking at you, £150, and left looking like I'd spent 90 minutes rubbing myself with a block of nettle-studded lard), but what looked back at me was rosy glowing plumpness and smoothness. I went without foundation for the best part of a week after (seriously unheard of for me), and spent several days marvelling at my temporary state of porelessness.
I'm seriously considering going back every week from now until the end of time. I've just bought a selection of Alpha H products as a result of the facial - I should make it clear that no one at the clinic pushed me to buy them at the time, something I always appreciate - and I'm looking forward to them arriving so I can use them for myself!
Products used:
Balancing Cleanser
Micro Cleanse
Pineapple & Papaya Enzyme Mask
Age Delay Oil
Calming & Soothing Mask
Balancing Moisturiser
I've heard good things about their moisturiser with factor 50+ sunscreen too, from no less than Lisa Eldridge, so I'm going to be tracking down a bottle of that very soon ... Alpha H products are available from Beauty Expert, QVC and HQ Hair
The Fine Print: Get Lippie was invited to Fern Skin Clinic as a guest of Alpha H. That all sounds so fancy, dunnit? I have since, however, bought my not inconsiderable bodyweight in products. They're *that* good. Full review as and when I get around to it.
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